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"Gypsy" Kaya

 Freight trains or hitchhiking. "That's exactly how I determine where I end up next," says Kaya.

Rail or thumb is how Kaya travels. Her latest pit stop on the road to everywhere is Chapel Hill. "It's alright here. It's a sweet little town. I like the youth, the healthy lifestyle. This place has a vibrance," she says as she paces around a tree on Franklin Street.

The striking 22-year-old with a carefree attitude emigrated with her family from Jamaica to New York City when she was seven. She started roving the country on a whim, oftentimes with a friend, always with her kitten Niah. Kaya picked up the exhausted stray kitten during a stint in Charleston, South Carolina and keeps her on a leash. "She was hiding from the rain," she says.

Kaya's goal is to be self sustainable while on the road. And admits she's not always in touch via email or Facebook, or with family. "I don't think anyone can keep up with the fact that I'm constantly moving... I'll continue traveling forever."

(photographs taken near the corner of Franklin/Colombia streets in Chapel Hill)